How Long Does the Dental Implant Process Take from Start to Finish?

Dental implants are a popular and effective option for replacing missing teeth. They offer a natural-looking and long-lasting solution for those who want to restore their smile and improve their oral health. However, many people may wonder how long the dental implant process takes from start to finish. In this article, we will discuss the different stages of the dental […]

Dental implants are a popular and effective option for replacing missing teeth. They offer a natural-looking and long-lasting solution for those who want to restore their smile and improve their oral health. However, many people may wonder how long the dental implant process takes from start to finish. In this article, we will discuss the different stages of the dental implant process and how long each stage typically takes.

1. Introduction

Dental implants are a popular and effective option for replacing missing teeth. They are designed to look and function like natural teeth and can last for many years with proper care. However, the dental implant process can be lengthy, and it’s important to understand the different stages involved and how long each stage typically takes.

2. What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a small titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jawbone. The implant serves as a replacement for the tooth root and provides a stable foundation for a dental crown or bridge.

3. Initial Consultation and Treatment Plan

The first step in the dental implant process is the initial consultation and treatment plan. During this stage, your dentist will examine your teeth and gums, take x-rays, and discuss your medical history to determine if dental implants are right for you. They will also create a treatment plan that outlines the different stages of the process and how long each stage will take.

4. Dental Implant Placement

The next stage of the dental implant process is the placement of the implant. This is done under local anesthesia, and the implant is placed into the jawbone. The procedure usually takes about an hour or two, depending on the number of implants being placed.

5. Osseointegration Process

After the dental implant is placed, a process called osseointegration occurs. This is where the bone in the jaw fuses with the implant, providing a stable and secure foundation for the dental crown or bridge. The osseointegration process usually takes around three to six months.

6. Placement of the Abutment

Once osseointegration is complete, the next stage of the dental implant process is the placement of the abutment. The abutment is a small connector that is attached to the top of the implant, and it serves as a connection point for the dental crown or bridge. The abutment placement is usually a quick and simple procedure that takes around 30 minutes to an hour.

7. Placement of the Dental Crown

The final stage of the dental implant process is the placement of the dental crown. This is the visible part of the implant and is designed to look and function like a natural tooth. The dental crown is usually placed around two to four weeks after the abutment placement, and the procedure takes around an hour to complete.

8. Healing Process

After the dental crown is placed, there is a healing process that can take a few weeks. During this time, you may experience some discomfort or sensitivity, but this should subside after a few days. It’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions for proper care and maintenance of your dental implant to ensure it lasts for many years.


The dental implant process is a lengthy but effective way to replace missing teeth. While the process can take several months to complete, the end result is a natural-looking and long-lasting solution that can improve your oral health and boost your confidence. It’s important to work with a qualified dentist who can guide you through each stage of the process and ensure that you receive the best possible care.

Lotus Dental Wellness is a trusted dental practice located in West Edmonton that specializes in dental implant procedures. Our team of experienced dentists and staff is committed to providing our patients with the highest quality care and personalized treatment plans to help them achieve optimal oral health. If you’re considering dental implants or have any questions about the process, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine if dental implants are the right solution for you. Call us today or visit our website to learn more about our services and schedule your appointment.